Sunday, October 27, 2019

Help Wanted

Dear Todd,

Today, after multiple kind requests, and explanations of how the little people of our home could help us...conversations that turned into a scene from Jerry McQuire, "HELP ME. HELP YOU!"  of what inevitably distilled down to "RAKE THE G*DDAMN LEAVES" I found myself singing the line from Major Tom over and over in my head "Here am I floating in my tin can..." I think it speaks to this element of a separation of worlds taking place: the teen world vs the old farts. 

As CEO of the Old Farts, in addition to Leaf Raking 101, I have decided to implement a "Safe to Wipe" policy: See something.Wipe something. The goal is to promote self-motivated wiping. I want our children to know that they needn't fear the sponge or the Windex. I want them to know that they will be supported in all incidents where they feel there may be something to wipe. I may need you to design some pamphlets or posters.

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almonds and stuff

Dear Todd, Picture if you can our sweet, little Vegan daughter. She is frazzled. She is in a magenta hoody, pulled tightly over the bun on...